Aristocratisch radicalisme.
1561, from L.L. aristocratia, from Gk. aristokratia "government, rule of the best," from aristos "best" (originally "most fitting," from PIE *ar-isto-, superlative form of *ar- "to fit together") + kratos "rule, power" (see -cracy).
[Online Etymology Dictionary, "aristocracy".]
Aristocratie is dus, letterlijk in het Engels vertaald, "the rule of the most fitting". Dit doet mij al gauw denken aan de frase "the survival of the fittest". "The fittest" zijn natuurlijk "the most fitting". - Maar in een aristocratie gaat het dus niet om hun overleving, maar om hun macht. Kan het Nietzscheaanser?
"Will To Power [WTP] is opposed to Social Darwinism [SD]; whereas SD talks of evolution's will to survival, Nietzsche argued that Nature does not seek to so much survive, as to FLOURISH.
WTP describes that constant expansion of things even to the point of their own extinction and destruction [and hence not always to survival].
Nietzsche noticed that it was NOT the best human specimens who survive and flourish, but the mediocre, the average - even the down-right botched.
The great tragedy of life is that the rare and highest types are the most threatened and vulnerable."
[Moody Lawless.]
De Nietzscheaanse Engelse vertaling van aristocratie is dus: "the flourishing of the best [i.e., of the rare and highest types]". Dit mag eventueel ten koste gaan van "the mediocre, the average, and the down-right botched" - dat wil zeggen, van de meeste mensen.
"Eén mens telt bij mij voor duizenden, als hij de beste is."
[Heraclitus van Ephese.]